Melitastitches4fun's Blog

Threads for Fibonacci Swirls by Olivia Hartshorn

My ANG Main Line Stitchers chapter is going to start Fibonacci Swirls by Olivia Hartshorn.

During covid lockdown, this grandmother living in Devon, UK, designed it. Luckily, someone in ANG must have contacted her because the instructions appear in Needle Pointers Mar/Apr 2022 issue. If you’re not a member of ANG, you can join ( anytime and get access to all the old magazines online. Tons of great articles and projects.

ANG Central Jersey Chapter and Cyberpointers chapter have already done it and I’ve seen about 2 dozen different colorways. Linda M is leading this project for our chapter.

I’ve pulled 2 colorways. One is on Congress Cloth and the other is on 18 count canvas.

I will switch locations for two stitches and selecting a new one for one area.

The one for Congress Cloth is using The Thread Gatherer’s Sheep’s Silk Autumn Bouquet SPS099 (I have 3 skeins) and several Presencia Finca threads depending on what works best #8 #12 7720, #12 7726 (maybe double it), and DMC #8 738. For this one, I will cut the mat to fit the shape, and so no canvas will show. The Kreinik is 153V, a bold burgundy! The muted colors in the overdyed thread seem to become brighter by putting it with the brighter solids. I’m getting contrast! The original instructions call for 3 overdyed threads, but I want to try it with one. The threads should look familiar-they were posted as part of the Birthday Bonanza from Linda M!

For my colors going on the 18 count canvas, I’ll be using ecru canvas and plan on adding background stripes as was done by Linda W, a Cyberpointer. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. (Oscar Wilde)

Linda M and I found 3 Watercolour skeins in our stash from what Debra got from a friend of hers. One skein has the old handwritten name and dye lot. Linda helped me pair them up with Entice. I’m very happy!

As I was checking out, there were charms. I almost picked up a horseshoe and 4 leaf clover, but the green didn’t quite match. The threads remind me of a flower garden, and so I got the flower in a pot.

Linda M finally got to stitch some after helping Patrick, Lisa, Lori, Kathy P, Kristen, and me pick out threads! She was very helpful and patient. Looking forward to seeing these develop.

2 Comments so far
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I like the color choices. I’ve been looking at this design….may have to give it a try.

Comment by stitchlady

The design will be there when you’re ready!

Comment by melitastitches4fun

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